monit daemon with PID 726 awakened
Tobias Fielitz
2014-02-24 22:51:40 UTC
I am getting "monit daemon with PID 726 awakened" when trying to start
monit (5.6) but Monit is not running, neither can I find a PID file
anywhere that could contain 726. Any suggestions?
Martin Pala
2014-02-24 22:58:23 UTC
When Monit starts and it finds its own pidfile, then it checks if process with matching PID us running already - if it does, then it just wakes up this process (Monit is running already).

It seems that in your case some other process is running with the PID corresponding to Monit's pidfile content (726) ... if it's not monit ("ps -ef | grep 726"), then remove the Monit pidfile and start again.

I am getting "monit daemon with PID 726 awakened" when trying to start monit (5.6) but Monit is not running, neither can I find a PID file anywhere that could contain 726. Any suggestions?